Thursday, June 10, 2010

WTF?!? CNN: Obama cannot get angry because he is a black man?

Good Lord Almighty! The Raaaaacism Industrial Complex has gone into overdrive. Check out this hot mess from John Blake at CNN:

Here's proof that President Obama has indeed ushered in a new era in race relations.

Who would have ever expected some white Americans to demand that an African-American man show more rage?

If you've followed the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, you've heard the complaints that Obama isn't showing enough emotion.

But scholars say Obama's critics ignore a lesson from American history: Many white Americans don't like angry black men.

It's the lesson Obama absorbed from his upbringing, and from an impromptu remark he delivered last summer. Yet it's a lesson he may now have to jettison, they say, as public outrage spreads.

"Folks are waiting for a Samuel Jackson 'Snakes on the Plane' moment from this president as in: 'We gotta' get this $#@!!* oil back in the $#!!* rig!' But that's just not who Obama is,'' says Saladin Ambar, a political science professor at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Some of the same people crying for Obama to show more emotion would have voted against him if he had displayed anger during his presidential run, says William Jelani Cobb, author of "The Substance of Hope: Barack Obama and the Paradox of Progress."

"It would have fed deeply into a pre-existing set of narratives about the angry black man," Cobb says. "The anger would have gotten in the way. He would have frightened off white voters who were interested in him because he seemed to be like the black guy they worked with or went to graduate school with -- not a black guy who is threatening." [MORE]

You must be kidding me. I cannot believe Blake is trying to use racism as an excuse for Obama’s failings. I am telling you; at this rate the old race card will be in tatters by 2012.

This “angry black man” argument doesn’t hold water for a minute. First of all, I would imagine that any white person who gets freaked out at the sight of an "angry black man", probably did not vote for Obama in 2008 and probably won’t come 2012. So why should Obama even be concerned about offending them?

Secondly, I still don’t understand why the left is insisting on Obama showing emotion over the oil spill. What the situation calls for is competence not emotion. We are more than 50 days from the start of this disaster, yet people in the Gulf are still asking for the basics to protect their shores and BP is still playing games with information on the size and scope of the spill. This is the result of Obama’s incompetent managing of the situation and not the result of his lack of emotion.

If I was a white person and I read Blake’s article or saw the segment below my days of watching CNN would be soooo over.

By Another Black Conservative

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