Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The bottom line on Obama's financial reform: 68 (sixty-eight) studies


[The Wall Street reform bill] orders government officials to conduct some 68 studies, according to a CNNMoney analysis.

Instead of toughening up ethical and marketing standards for financial planners, Congress studies the issue in the financial overhaul bill. Instead of making it easier to sue lawyers, accountants and bankers who help commit securities fraud, Congress studies the issue.

The bill also studies, among other things: short selling, reverse mortgages, improved insurance regulation, private student loans, oversight of carbon markets and the "feasibility of requiring use of standardized algorithmic descriptions for financial derivatives."

So, great. Financial reform gives the banksters impunity from the last crash and makes another crash inevitable, creams off some rent for the Versailles consultants and lobbyists to do the "studies" that will shill for whatever the next bubble's scam is going to be (private investment accounts for Social Security? Carbon credits? "Green energy"?), and leaves the peasants in debt slavery for the rest of their natural lives.

What's not to like?

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