Monday, July 26, 2010

NAACP misguided resolution to condemn the Tea Party

Since the NAACP delegates passed a resolution to condemn extremist elements within the Tea Party, there has been much discussion regarding this. I want to give you a South Florida perspective.
I have helped organize two Tax Day Tea Party rallies in Fort Lauderdale. I have been involved with the Tea Party since its inception, and I can tell you from my experience that I have not seen any racism at any Tea Party event.

That brings up the fact that politics is not about race (those days are over) and all about qualifications and beliefs. These candidates must promote issues that Americans can stand united on, such as fiscal responsibility, constitutional rights and a smaller government.

We have many African-American members, and we stand strongly behind them, including candidates like retired Lt. Col. Allen West, the congressional candidate for District 22 who happens to be African-American.
We have an African-American president, numerous members of Congress who are African-American, and they did not get there because of racism. If the NAACP wants to be fair, they should denounce President Barack Obama for his words that the police ``acted stupidly'' in arresting his friend, Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, when he could not get into his home. Then came Maj. Nidal Hasan's killing of U.S. soldiers at Fort Hood, and his response was to ``caution against jumping to conclusions.'' Does racism only go one way?

I have not seen any Black Panthers here in South Florida, but I can tell you if two white guys stood outside a polling place with one of them holding a police baton, they would be put away for a long time. Is Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice racist?

The Tea Party does not condone racism, period. Considering there is no leader or master organization, I feel the grass-roots Tea Party has done an excellent job in policing its own. It has been easy to do this since we are focused on achieving a common goal. We review the records on incumbents and highly scrutinize candidates that want to enter politics. We promote and help the candidates that meet the criteria of the grass-roots Tea Party to get them elected.

This movement became huge as a consequence of out-of-control spending, the Troubled Asset Relief Program or TARP (with no conditions on how it would be spent), the removal of God from everything government-related, including the Constitution, the continued assault on our rights and the lack of help for people who are not able to find employment.

Why? Because the government has the country in a state of confusion and small businesses, which make up 85 to 90 percent of the companies in the United States are scared to death to expand or start a new business. As a result of the healthcare law, cap-and-trade, bank takeovers, insurance company takeovers, the takeover of General Motors and Chrysler and the massive national debt, small businesses are understandably not sure what their costs will be and, therefore, are taking a wait-and-see attitude. This stalls the hiring and growth of existing companies.

Add the difficulty in obtaining money to borrow from banks because the TARP money to help them was spent by the banks to buy up other banks or to clear debt from their books.

Then there is Cash for Clunkers, Cash for Caulkers and much, much more. Now, they want to pass a bill called the ``Disclosure Act'' to limit free speech from conservatives while leaving the Service Employees International Union exempt. It has passed in the House and since the Democrats have the majority in the Senate and Obama wants it, this will probably be passed this coming week. Americans have every right to be upset and concerned.

Now, it has come out that there will be a tax for healthcare for everyone except the poor who will get credits to pay for theirs. Another broken promise of no taxes on anyone under $250,000. The Tea Party wants to bring reality back to politics. The members of Congress and the president were elected to represent us, not to ignore us.

The NAACP's role in fighting racism when it was a big problem is commendable. I believe the NAACP is misguided on this because they should be smart enough to know that when you have approximately 15 million members of any movement, you will have a few bad apples. I believe it is a shameless way to promote themselves.

Add with all the things our government has done to permanently harm our country, it is surprising that the grass-roots Tea Party rallies are always peaceful. This past week, even Vice President Joe Biden said on television that racism was not a big issue in the Tea Party and that the president felt the same way. Case closed.

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