Thursday, July 15, 2010

Daryl Mikell Brooks, President of The Greater Trenton Tea Party on Immigration

By Daryl Mikell Brooks

The question is not whether we should secure our borders. We need to make sure our borders are secure and enforce them effectively. That said, I am very much in favor of legal immigration. Immigration has been the life blood of this country from the very beginning. We are a nation of immigrants, coming from all around the world, and we should continue that tradition by improving the ability of LEGAL immigrants to enter this country.

A fundamental responsibility of the Federal government is to secure our borders and enforce them. While our government is spending far too much attention in areas it shouldn't be operating in, the areas where it should be operating to the fullest are suffering.

Steps to solve the problems:

1. Required use of the E-verify program for all businesses in the United States.

2. We must continue to crack down on those employers who ignore the law and continue to hire illegal employees.

3. Prevent sanctuary cities from receiving federal funds, and improve the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program.

4. Strict punishment of those who aid illegal immigrants in crossing the border, as well as those who assist in their residence in the United States.

No Amnesty.

Providing amnesty again would further degrade the rule of law in this country. It is not right to provide the same benefit of citizenship to those who disregarded our laws as those who regarded them. If we provide amnesty, which laws do we then choose to obey and which ones do we choose to disregard?

Attrition through Enforcement and a no option deadline:

There is no practical way to deport all the illegal aliens in the United States. However, by removing the employment and entitlement incentives combined with a no option deadline individuals will be self motivated to deport themselves and return through a legal process.

No Option Deadline:

At a specified date in the future, anyone caught in the United States illegally will have no option for future citizenship or the option to participate in a guest worker program. Prior to this deadline, all illegal aliens will have the option to return to their country, and then return to the United States through the proper channels via the citizenship path.

1 comment:

George Hathaway said...

I love your ideas.

Some things must be done by the Feds like sealing the border. It reduces the flow of traffic onto the superhighway leading to New Jersey. Other things need to be done by us... like complying with Federal law. This includes eliminating sanctuary cities and cracking down on those who hire illegals.

E-verify is important but it is only useful for those employers who are honest. It doesn't do anything for those who break the law by hiring law breakers.

Lastly, by not giving amnesty we give an incentive for reverse migration, leaving jobs available (although at higher wages) for Americans and legal immigrants. I'm willing to pay that price. I don't feel sorry for those illegals who won't have jobs when there are so many Americans who are in the same situation. Let them have jobs at home.

Keep up the good work Daryl.