Monday, July 26, 2010

Support the troops — Pay Them

By Rick Manning

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama are playing a game of chicken with the paychecks of our men and women who are in harm’s way defending our nation, and it needs to stop.

Pelosi and her crew of future unemployed politicians failed to get the Senate to agree to their proposal to add $10 billion more in deficit exploding spending on behalf of local teacher unions into the defense bill. Amazingly, even with all of their sophisticated polling, Pelosi still hasn’t gotten the message that Americans are tired of politics as usual. Americans are tired of Congress larding on the pork and earmarks onto must pass legislation to fund our troops. Apparently, the reasons behind her Congress’ 11 percent approval rating are lost on Speaker Pelosi.

The Senate is commended for partially getting the message in their rejection of Pelosi’s $10 billion teacher union bailout. But the Senate version is far from clean including such non-defense items as: agriculture subsidies, foreign aid, and reforestation spending.

This isn’t just an academic exercise. Our fighting men and women are truly in jeopardy if this emergency appropriation is not passed by the end of July. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has identified the beginning of August as a drop dead timeline for getting the emergency appropriation passed before salaries may not get paid. In an early July article, Gates stated that “stupid” cuts will begin occurring by mid-July in order to keep the troops funded. Additionally, General David Petraeus has called the supplemental, “essential” for the conduct of this mission.

Get full story here.

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