Friday, August 13, 2010

April 15th is no Holiday

“The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.”—Albert Einstein
By Rebekah Rast
Ed Brown was sentenced to 37 years in federal prison in January after refusing to pay federal income taxes.
The story of New Hampshire couple, Ed Brown and his wife, Elaine, received national coverage. The couple insisted it was unlawful for the government to require them to pay income taxes. They were sentenced to 63 months in federal prison for tax evasion after failing to pay more than $1 million in income taxes.

But, according to Ed, they weren’t going anywhere. Ed and Elaine barricaded themselves inside their concrete walls for nine months.
Supporters of the couple would bring by food and ammunition in case the U.S. Marshals decided to raid the home. Ed was ready for a combat-style standoff, but all his preparations weren’t necessary. In October of 2007, U.S. Marshals made it inside the home by posing as supporters of the Browns, and arrested them both.
The government does not take lightly its citizens not paying their taxes.

“As the great American orator Daniel Webster once argued in front of the Supreme Court, ‘An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy,’” says Bill Wilson, president of Americans for Limited Government (ALG). “This may be why the IRS is the most feared federal agency of them all.”
This also may be why Ed and Elaine Brown barricaded themselves in their home with a full arsenal of weapons.

Get full story here.

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