Monday, August 16, 2010

Kendrick Meek: super-duper Democrat

Rep. Kendrick Meek, D-Fla. and former President Bill Clinton 

Kendrick Meek started his day at a press conference with former Florida governor and Senator Bob Graham. He’ll spend much of today traversing South Florida with Bill Clinton — at Pompey Park in Palm Beach County, then at the Signature Grand in Davie (Broward County) and winding up with an evening rally at the Gusman Center in Miami. Message to Florida Democrats: Kendrick Meek is on of you, only “Democratier…”

It seems like a counterintuitive strategy in a year when the media meme is “anti-incumbency,” and in a race where his opponent, Jeff Greene, is accusing Meek of being a dirty “Washington politician.” Meek’s answer seems to be, “hell yeah, I’m a Washington insider! Just listen to my Nancy Pelosi robo-call, peep the endorsement my campaign got from President Obama and watch me ride with my boy Big Bill!” Why so Democraty? Because Meek is looking past Greene, to August 25th, when he presumes he’ll be the Democratic nominee (perhaps a presumptuous presumption, given that Jeff Greene has a bazillion dollars to spend and strength in the condos…) and that’s when the real trouble begins.

Because whoever the Democratic nominee is will have to spend the next couple of months swiping Democratic votes from Charlie Crist, who according to Mason Dixon, is drawing 61 percent of his support from Democrats.

Meanwhile, while Meek is rallying with Bill Clinton, who used to be the Dems’ secret weapon with black voters, Greene will be rallying with … well … black voters … in Meek’s hometown of Liberty City.
Hey, it’s Florida.

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