Thursday, August 12, 2010

LeBron Gets Heckled…At An Amusement Park

In this era of sport where athletes’ images are managed and manicured like the lawn of that old guy that use to live across the street from me, LeBron James stands out. The 25-year-old ruffled some feathers in his departure from northeast Ohio, and those feathers let him know it when Bron-Bron made a recent trip to nearby amusement park Cedar Point.
hear a woman yelling “I bet you miss” and a guy chiming in “‘Bron shoot left-handed, your elbow hurts” and “Just like Game 5.” I think the warm reception at his bike-a-thon over the weekend gave LeBron the idea things were back to normal for him in Ohio. Just like the decision to do “The Decision,” he was wrong.” –You Been Blinded, via Waiting For Next Year.
Wow. Nice work, Cleveland. You showed him. But is James really that big of a dick for finding a situation where he doesn’t have to work as hard to win a championship? TBL says that the act (the “decision,” if you will) of migrating to Miami is enough to win James anti-hero status. But then Shoals takes umbrage with that in the way that only Shoals can, by announcing his disagreement with the sentiment in an argument with no supporting points. But he did write something about Charles Bronson, which is great for all of his Polish readers, I suppose.
Your video is after the jump.

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