Webster’s dictionary defines lame duck as, “an elected official still in office but not slated to continue.”
Most Americans define a lame duck Congress as the guys they just booted out and don’t want them doing any more damage.
Obama’s White House defines lame duck as the opportunity to passlegislation that is so outrageous that not even the Pelosi-ReidCongress would vote in favor of it before the November election.
The lame duck Congress of 2010 contains the hopes and dreams ofradical environmentalists and Big Labor as both hope to pass majorpieces of legislation after the November elections that couldpermanently alter the economic landscape of the United States.
Big Labor is looking for their holy grail — card check legislation,which would eliminate the nasty inconvenience of having to submit thequestion of whether a company should be unionized to a secret ballotelection of those who would be their members. You see, when the actualworkers get to vote in secret, sometimes they actually vote againstjoining the collective.
Even with 59 Democrats in the Senate, Senate Majority Leader HarryReid has disappointed his most ardent supporters by failing to deliverlegislation that fundamentally shifts the balance of power in labororganizing toward the coercive influence of the potential shop steward.It seems that Big Labor and Harry Reid have a problem, the voters don’twant the card check legislation to pass in such sufficient numbers thatSenate Democrats cannot overcome a filibuster against the bill.
So, the answer is lame duck it.
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