Friday, September 17, 2010

A Cry for Sanity!

Hey there! It’s election season, which means a few things. First, and most importantly, it means you need to register yourself to vote. Register your friends to vote. Family. Children. Pets. JK! (Unless you have a human pet. In which case, weird…and definitely illegal.)

Secondly, it means you best get used to some negativity on your TV screens. In times like these, the news LOVES to cover the looneys (broken up by negative campaign ads where candidates accuse one another of hating happiness, fearing ducks and eating too much sushi). Far, far left and far, far right get all the press during these months. Why’s that, you ask? Cause they’re more fun. Like a traffic accident between a clown car and “The Expendables”, it’s a bloodbath that has everyone tuning in.

But not me. Election season is a time to watch Netflix and On Demand. I personally don’t need the negativity in my life. I don’t need my country to be painted as a black and white nation of hatred and disrespect. The black and white are the fringe groups. Truth is, most of us live in the grey area (let’s just say some us prefer orange juice with our breakfast).

Most of us want people to be treated equally. For our fellow citizen to have a life full of success, not struggle. For happiness to be the unifying theme in our communities. Most of us are those folks in the middle, those that aren’t afraid of each other. That stand up for what’s right and will offer a hand up. Regardless of what the media tells us, I know this to be true, because I see it on a daily basis.

And someone agrees. Someone famous. Someone that just might get all those grey folks to rise up and make themselves known. And, by having a potentially massive rally so close to an election, might even inspire those grey folks to get thee to a polling place.

Whether or not you plan on attending the “Rally to Restore Sanity” (paired with Stephen Colbert’s “Rally to Keep Fear Alive”) on October 30th is up to you. But getting your grey self to the polls on November 2nd is one event that you can’t afford to miss.

Posted by:

Sean Gardner

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