Monday, September 20, 2010

The End of Global Warming and Climate Change

This morning here in leafy Oak Bay we had a deluge of rain and a really loud peal of thunder. The rain was heavier than usual and I can’t remember when last I heard a single peal of thunder on September 19.

Now, in the old days we might have called this “weather”. Then we would call unusual events (of a warmish nature) stuff caused by global warming. But that left all those unusual events of a coolish nature to account for and thus was born “climate change” which seemed suitably catch all. But now the White House Science Czar, crazy old eco-dystopian John Holdren, wants an even vaguer description: “global climate disruption”.

The beauty of this new term is that, as James Delingpole points out, it does away with the inconvenient fact that there has not been any statistically significant global warming since 1998 and it lets Holdren include such non-AGW induced events as this summer’s Russian fires and Pakistani flooding in the general scare scenarios he is so enamored of.

So the clap of thunder today was not just a Sunday morning lie in disrupter – it was yet another important piece of evidence of “global climate disruption”.

I feel ever so much better. These people really are this dumb but having clear proof of it is encouraging.

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