Monday, September 27, 2010

An Offer That Chicagoans Can’t Refuse

I’m betting there are quite a few residents of the Second City who were glad to bid Rahm Emanuel a not-so-fond farewell.  We’ll guess what Chicagoans?  He’s baaaaack!
The likely departure of the White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, to run for Mayor of Chicago is part of a half-term reshuffle of top aides that will signal a new chapter in the history of Barack Obama’s increasingly embattled presidency.
It also raises a vital question: will Mr Obama continue to rely on the small and trusted group of intimates who have followed him from Chicago to Washington – or will he seize the chance to bring in new blood from the outside to invigorate an administration high command that critics say has become insular and out of touch?
The official word at the White House remains that Mr Emanuel is still “in the process of thinking about what he’s going to do next”. Unofficially, it is virtually taken for granted he will leave. The filing deadline for the race to succeed the outgoing mayor, Richard Daley, is 22 November, and the Chicago Sun-Times reported yesterday that Terry Peterson, head of the city’s transit authority, had signed up as Mr Emanuel’s campaign manager.
Wonder if Mayor Emanuel will find former President and First Lady Obama some nice, good-paying desk jobs come November of 2012…?

By Jane Q. Public

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