Monday, October 11, 2010

Need Support Donations

October 10, 2010

Dear Friend of Liberty,

As the 2010 campaign season races to a close, we have a chance to make a significant impact, perhaps even steal a win in New Jersey’s Fourth Congressional District.

I am Joe Siano, a longtime New Jersey Libertarian Party member and our Party’s candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in District 4.  My opponent is Christopher Smith, a 15-term incumbent.  Although he is a Republican, Smith has fallen into disfavor with grassroots conservative, Tea Party activists because of his liberal legislative record including:

·         Votes for Cap and Trade and against extending the Bush tax cuts
·         Sponsorship of the Union Card Check bill
·         Anti-Second Amendment stances that have earned him failing grades from the major gun ownership groups

On the other hand, I have been enjoying a warm reception from these same voters based upon my positions as a small government, fiscal conservative and Constitutional originalist.
I have been invited to speak at many Tea Party groups, was interviewed for the Trenton Times as well as Philadelphia radio and was recently given a table at the Restoring America rally at Great Adventure featuring Glen Beck.

I believe that I have a legitimate shot at winning the “Tea Party share” of the vote of 15-20%.  From there it is not too far of a stretch to get to the 34% needed to win in a three way race.

To achieve this I need you financial support ASAP to fund last minute calling and mail drops.  Please visit my website at to donate today. 

Yours in Liberty,

Joe Siano
Candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives
NJ District 4

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