Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Obama Clinton 2012 Ticket Possible?

 By Shannon Bell

Bob Woodward has suggested that an Obama Clinton 2012 ticket was “on the table.” Good news for democrats who have very little to look forward to between now and then. With democrats looking square in the face of an electoral defeat of epic proportions, bouncing Joe Biden from the ticket and replacing him with Hillary Clinton might just be what the doctor ordered to drum up excitement for depressed dems.
Sep. 01, 2010 - Washington, District of Columbia, U.S. - The White House Washington DC 09-01-2010.President Barak Obama restarts Middle East peace talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians.Hillary Clinton. 2010.I15304CB. © Red Carpet Pictures

Clinton, much to my surprise and others I’m sure, has remained relatively quiet during the first 2 years of the Obama Administration. It’s hard to say if that’s by design or if Obama purposely put her in a position where her policies wouldn’t clash with his; probably a little of both.

At this point, not even two years away from another presidential bid, you get the feeling that the standard Obama Biden ticket just won’t cut it. An Obama Clinton 2012 ticket may be the only hope that Barack H. Obama has at a second term.

During an interview with CNN’s John King, Woodward said that Clinton advisors feel that it’s definitely possible that she could replace Biden on the 2012 ticket. What would happen to good ol’ Joe at that point? Woodward also speculates that Biden and Clinton could actually switch jobs. My advice to Obama; dispose of Joe totally. Of course for the comedic benefit I like having the guy around.

The biggest obstacle to an Obama Clinton 2012 ticket might be Hillary herself; especially if she has her eye on a bigger prize. We’ll just have to wait and see how things shake out after this fall’s drubbing by the republicans.

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