Wednesday, November 10, 2010

GOP Must Choose Leaders Wisely


By Bill Wilson
Republicans were cast into the wilderness beginning in 2006 because they abandoned a basic set of principles — not just their own principles, but those of the nation they were entrusted to lead.
Rather than standing up for American freedoms and free markets, the GOP instead became the party of big government and corruption — enabling Democrats to sweep into power promising to “drain the swamp” and usher in an era of “hope and change."

Obviously lurking beneath these rhetorical flourishes was a radical socialist agenda — one that has exploded our debt, derailed our economy and eroded our individual liberties. Not only was the swamp never drained, but the cost of Washington’s corrupt, deficit-driven “dependency culture” has never been steeper.

In a sweeping repudiation of this socialist agenda, taxpayers have taken action on a grand scale.
Get full story here.

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