Friday, December 3, 2010

Senators Support Taxpayer Defunding of Public Broadcasting

By Rebekah Rast
This year alone, American taxpayers spent $420 million to fund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB).
Due to the downswing of the economy, CPB has requested $604 million for Fiscal Year 2013.

“Businesses and families have been forced to cut their budgets because of the poor economy, CPB should too,” said Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) in an op-ed in the Washington Examiner stating his support for defunding CPB.

This is not a new agenda for Capitol Hill. In June, Rep. Lamborn introduced H.R. 5538, which would effectively prohibit federal funding for CPB after FY 2012.

“The Corporation for Public Broadcasting puts out some programs that I enjoy and a lot of people enjoy, but they can stand on their own two feet,” Lamborn says in an exclusive interview with Americans for Limited Government (ALG). “In fact, 87 percent of their money comes from sources other than the U.S. taxpayer. So why should we, in days of $1 trillion annual deficits, give money to a corporation or any company that can fund itself.”

CPB is a nonprofit that receives about 13 percent of its funding from the federal government—meaning taxpayers.
Get full story here.

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