This news follows PayPal’s decision to stop processing Wikileaks’s funds.
The reason for this latest freeze is not that the Swiss are disapproving of his means or have discovered that in this world you need to take sides and not just stick with an agenda of fierce civic pride and assisted suicide, rather that:
“(Mr) Assange entered Geneva as his domicile. Upon inspection, this information was found to be incorrect.
“(Mr) Assange cannot provide proof of residence in Switzerland and thus does not meet the criteria for a customer relationship with PostFinance. For this reason, PostFinance is entitled to close his account.”
Wikileaks responds by releasing a list of places the US describes as vital to its national security, like Wyoming, pipelines, the UK, small parts of Germany, smaller parts of France, and pretty much every other place any enemy of the US with half a brain could have compiled for themselves.
Wikileaks is not only a news source for lazy journalists – does the Guardian check the facts printed in the cables it, allegedly, singed a confidentiality agreement to obtain? Have these cables been adulterated for added impact? – it is a resource for lazy terrorists.
It all sounds like a lot of nothing. But former UK Foreign Secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind said Wikileaks’s leaks are “verging on the criminal“.
Verging on the criminal is not criminal. They are either criminal or they are not. Make your mind up.
UK Defence Secretary Liam Fox chimes in:
“I think you have to ask about the motives for those who are behind some of the WikiLeaks material. Do they see themselves as some sort of force of anarchy?”
No. They do not. Mr Fox should check Wikileaks’s website for news of their self-declared mission. And Assange has declared himself to be a capitalist. Do either Fox or Rifkind conduct any research before they speak? Or would they like someone with an agenda to do it for them..?
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