Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Video of Chris Matthews going birther: demands Obama's long-form birth certificate with signatures

As I have said since day 1 is that indeed Obama was born in Hawaii. I have no doubt of that. But I also agree that he hasn't released his birth certificate yet. What he did release was a 'certificate of live birth' - an electronic document without any signatures - that anyone can get in Hawaii even if they were born somewhere else. I believe Obama has done this to point at conservatives as conspiratorial extremists (ie - he wants birthers around), but that's just me. Thus, it's still an issue. What's surprising is that Tingles is not only running a whole segment on it, but is actually himself asking for the long-form birth certificate. He denies in this segment that he's a birther, but if you watch to the end, he and his liberal guests want the long-form released:

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