Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Virginia Federal District Court Judge Rules Obamacare’s Individual Mandate Unconstitutional

Last March when the government takeover of our health care was signed into law by President Obama, the ink was not even dry when Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli sprung to action.

Minutes later, AG Cuccinelli filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Obamcare’s individual mandate that would force every American citizen to purchase health insurance or else be subject to a penalty handed down by the IRS.

AG Cuccinelli stood up for freedom and individual rights despite the opposition from the Obama Administration, the liberal media, and other forces on the left. He stood up on the principle that defending our freedom and individual rights was the ultimate cause, not to be driven by political or fiscal calculations.
Back in October, AG Cuccinelli came to New Jersey and was our keynote speaker at our November Is Coming event in Clark and poignantly delivered this very message to our assembled activists.


On Monday of this week, AG Cuccinelli and his team scored the first major victory against Obamacare when Federal District Court Judge Henry E. Hudson ruled that the individual mandate was unconstitutional!

Judge Hudson’s ironclad ruling made it clear; the federal government has no authority to force any citizen to purchase a product against his or her will. Nor can the penalty for failing to do so be considered a “tax.”
The judge’s ruling is a critical first strike against Obamacare and defense of states’ rights and individual liberty. Nothing less is at stake than the concept of federalism; that the federal government’s enumerated powers in the Constitution are well defined and, above all, limited.

This battle is not over. Next, the case will likely be heard by a Federal Circuit Court of Appeals before reaching the United State Supreme Court.

And the multi-state lawsuit against Obamacare is also proceeding through the Florida court system.
The American people remain firmly opposed to the federal takeover of our health care. In fact, opposition to Obamacare is on the rise as people discover that the government takeover is failing to live up to its false promises.

The fight to defeat Obamacare and put a stop to this disastrous legislation will require our continued resolve and determination. But yesterday’s ruling was a critical victory and first step toward restoring freedom and liberty. 

And AG Cuccinelli and his team are to be commended for their hard work and commitment to standing up for our rights. Click here to support the fight and to send AG Cuccinelli thanks and encouragement.
The question that is still on everyone’s mind though is, why has the state of New Jersey still not joined these lawsuits?

The Fight to Repeal the RGGI Cap-and-Trade Energy Tax Continues

Last week, AFP informed you that the Republican State Committee (RSC) was set to take up a resolution that would support the legislation introduced in the State Legislature that would repeal RGGI and withdraw New Jersey from this job-killing scheme.

Regrettably, the RSC meeting was canceled late on Sunday evening with little advance notice. Effectively, this means the current legislative session will end without the RSC taking a position on this matter.

You and I cannot let this go. It is up to you and me to keep the pressure on and let the RSC and legislators in Trenton know that we will not rest on New Jersey withdraws from RGGI -- and that the ratepayers and businesses in our state will not take being forced to pay this cap-and-trade energy tax.
AFP will keep you abreast of this situation and let you know when the RSC schedules its next meeting and takes up the RGGI resolution.

COAH Update – So-Called Reform Measure Passes Assembly

On Monday of this week, The NJ Assembly passed Bill S1 (A3447). The measure supposedly “reforms” the Council on Affordable Housing (COAH), but as I told you earlier this year, S1 is a ruse that does nothing but transfer COAH’s power to the State Planning Commission, creating a new “Super Bureaucracy.”

S1 is essentially “putting lipstick on a pig.” The socialist idea that every citizen is entitled to “affordable housing” remains and the central planners will continue implementing this redistributionist scheme at the expense of you, the taxpayer.

Click here to contact Governor Christie and tell him to veto S1 or call his office at 609-292-6000. Tell him to live up to his campaign promise to “Gut COAH!”
On to Victory,
Steve Lonegan
State Director

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