Tuesday, January 11, 2011

ALG Condemns Political Exploitation of Arizona Slayings as“Sick” and “Twisted”

January 10th, 2011, Fairfax, VA—Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson today condemned the efforts by pundits and politicians to link the murderous rampage by Jared Loughner to politics:

“Our thoughts and prayers as a nation should be with the victims of the Tucson slayings by Jared Loughner, and their grieving families. Instead, soulless partisan hacks are attempting to cast these attacks in some political context, seeking to blame everyone from Sarah Palin, the tea parties, to the Republican Party at large for somehow inciting Loughner’s killings, the motive of which may never be clear.

“Meanwhile, the motive for linking Loughner to the political right is more than transparent, it is a sick political agenda that seeks to take advantage of this tragedy. Once again, the shameless strategy is to blame a horrendous act of carnage on conservatives, Republicans, or tea parties for the purpose of delegitimizing their philosophy of governing. Enough is enough.

“The American people should not even dignify this twisted strategy as legitimate discourse. It is nothing more than fear-mongering. To try to politicize this tragedy is to scapegoat millions of Americans who only have legitimate objections to their government. The American people will not be bullied from protesting their government, even as they condemn and mourn the needless slaughter by a lone lunatic.”

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