The government estimates that 32 million people will participate in a mandatory program that over 90 million will be eligible for. That program is ObamaCare, and when it’s fully implemented, it will cost over $2 trillion.
Medicaid enrollment and participation in the insurance exchanges is a key question to calculating the total cost of expanding taxpayer-funded health care under ObamaCare. If one assumes lower participation, the costs behave accordingly. For example, the Congressional Budget Office only calculated $780 billion of costs associated with expanding coverage under the bill.
ObamaCare supporter Kaiser Family Foundation assumes a 57 percent participation rate in Medicaid, and accordingly it calculates its $464.6 billion estimate of expanding that program.
But with the individual mandate requiring everyone to carry health insurance of some sort, enrollment will most likely be higher than the government is estimating. Put simply, a 34 percent participation rate for a mandatory government program is simply unbelievable. Medicare enjoys a 96 percent participation rate, after all.
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