Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tips for Black Men from a Reformed Playa - Too Many Women, too FEW Relationships

This page is dedicated to all real black men. I will offer tips, answer questions and give you my take on relationships between black men and women. My question to you is what are you looking for in a relationship? Do you want a women who is strong, independant, quiet, or talkative- sports anyone :)? Can you imagine your life with a black women who has your best interests at heart?

Seriously, most men want a woman who can handle her own. Like a take charge type. Take charge of paying the bills, keeping the house clean, not a maid, but a person who likes things in order. Housework should be shared, like all chores. I do believe in equality and sharing what must be done. Most of the men I talk to don't want a wimpy woman that can be walked over. Some one who must be told what to do or feels they must ask you for instructions/directions on everything. You can pay $20.00 and get that kind of woman off any street corner. Not the kind of relationship or woman I would want for my own.

Most men are seeking a real relationship with a woman. They are tired (or should be) of one night stands, or someone they see for that booty call. They are looking for that woman you can talk to about any and all subjects, for hours at a time. A women you would be proud to introduce to your family and friends. A lady that can hold her own in conversations with friends or strangers. A women you can trust with your feelings,your possessions and your heart. A person you would enjoy being with and look forward to seeing when you are apart. It is something my wife and I have together. Are you beginning to see how easy it would be to have that beautiful black women in your life?

We started our business, Ebony 1st Impressions to assist black men and women to meet in a safe, attractive environment in the hopes of building stronger relationships with each other.

 The men we are seeking will be real, serious black men. We have listed our expectations for our men (and women) on our Rules and Regulations page. Please review and if this describes you and you live in the Baltimore/Washington area, please contact us. Should you happen to be one of our many global visitors, please read on. We have lots of info for anyone seeking a real relationship or just making their own life a little better. Links to everthing from books to our own online dating website.

This business is about helping black men and women not only get together, but also work thru the trials (hard work my brothas) and tribulations of staying together. Sign up for our ezine below. We will use this to advise you of all upcoming events.
You can improve your success in the dating game by taking your time and not just choosing the prettiest face.


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