Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wikileaks bankster whistleblower Rudolf Elmer: $20 trillion in offshore bank accounts

Business Insider was at the news conference. They reported:
At a press conference in London, whistleblower and former Julius Baer private banker Rudolf Elmer is announcing a brand new data dump he plans to hand over to Wikileaks.
It concerns the state of Swiss banking, and what he says is $20 trillion in assets currently being held in offshore accounts, some of which is hidden to facilitate criminal activity.
Criminal activity? I'm shocked. And interestingly, I haven't seen the $20 trillion figure anywhere else but in the Business Insider reporting on the press conference. This BBC video, although, again interestingly, not the story, says that Elmer was a former compliance officer at Julius Baer, and that other compliance officers are out there, also pissed, and for the same reason Elmer was: The banksters are conniving at tax evasion by not taking their concerns seriously:
[Elmer] told the Observer newspaper he planned to disclose the new set of files to expose activities in offshore financial centers. "The one thing on which I am absolutely clear is that the banks know, and the big boys know*, that money is being secreted away for tax-evasion purposes," he was quoted as telling the newspaper.
There's gold in them that Alps!

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