Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Imagine Getting a $1.13 Million IRS bill and Paying It Off Same Day

Posted by Juan

That’s what Lil Wayne did just to avoid the headache

Its tax time and most of you are sitting around waiting to see if you’ll be getting a refund or have to cough up some extra bread to pay Uncle Sam.  In the case of Lil Wayne, that “extra bread” was $1.13 Million dollars.  That’s right, that’s how much the alien prince owed in back taxes but instead of setting up a payment plan like you or I would have done for our couple hundred dollar bill, Weezie couldn’t be bothered and instead just payed the  entire bill with one check.  I would wait until it clears before I’d get excited IRS.

Wayne has had a long history with the tax man including a $977,840 lien placed against him in 2008 and a report he failed to pay any taxes on his One Family Foundation last year.

I’m not really sure what state he files his income tax and each state is obviously different with regard to tax law but assuming this is from his federal return and he’s paying that much in tax you can bet he made a grip last year.  Must be nice.

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