Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Internet “Kill Switch”

By Adam Bitely
It is entirely possible for the government to turn off the Internet. Don’t believe it? Just look at what happened in Egypt.

Last week after protests began against the dictatorial government of Egypt, the Egyptian government under the order of the President Mubarak ordered that the Internet be turned off. And that is exactly what happened.

This same thing can happen anywhere on Earth. If Egypt can do it, then every other country could have the same ability, especially a superpower like the United States.

Just last year, Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) sponsored legislation that would have given the President the authority to shutdown the Internet in the event of a “cyber security emergency”. So far, this legislation has not been brought to the Senate floor, but is expected to be later this year.
But just because this legislation has not passed does not mean that the government cannot shut off the Internet currently.
Get full story here.