Saturday, May 21, 2011

Herman Cain, Tea Party Favorite, Announces Presidential Bid

Herman Cain Announces Presidential Campaign - CSPAN
Frequent Tea Party speaker Herman Cain, the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, announced his presidential bid in his hometown of Atlanta today. Over 15,000  gathered for his announcement rally at Centennial Olympic Park. Click on the screen capture to watch his announcement on C-SPAN.
Herman Cain is on fire. He shocked focus group expert Frank Luntz after the South Carolina GOP primary debate by winning the event, hands-down, among an audience of GOP voters who had largely never heard of him before.

And the Leftists are terrified.
Watch his announcement, then listen to the viewer calls afterwards. The Democrat callers are beside themselves…one even seemed nearly incoherent with rage. They call Herman Cain everything but an Uncle Tom (all but one, who is obviously posing as a Democrat who voted for Obama and says he’s switching. But kudos to someone from our side, finally using the tactics of the Left against them. For once.)

We believe this will be the Left’s talking point, when it comes to Herman Cain. He will be called a GOP puppet, an empty suit created just so there would be a black face running against Teh Won. He’s just a shill, a plant, the James Carvilles of the world will say. Members of the Cocktail Party GOP will call him “not serious.”

We’d like to thank Barak Hussein Obama for eliminating experience as a requirement for being elected President of the United States. We’ll be sure to remind Leftists of this when they start howling that Herman Cain isn’t qualified because he hasn’t been taking kickbacks from K-street lobbyists for the past 30 years.
Yes, we love Sarah Palin. And we hope she runs. But as of today, she’s not in the race.

We also love anyone who tells it like it is, and is willing to cut through the B.S. and be honest with the American people. We especially love it when a conservative, pro-Constitution candidate like Herman Cain is willing to take the fight to Obama and say the kinds of things that establishment Cocktail Party GOP bosses don’t dare say out loud, for fear of missing out on the canapes at Mittens Romney’s November, 2012 concession party.

Our favorite bit? Herman Cain’s foreign policy statement:
“Know who your friends are. Know who your enemies are. And don’t throw your friends under the bus.
 by HillBuzz

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