Monday, June 27, 2011

A Surge Of Treasury Issuance As Soon As The Debt Ceiling Is Lifted

A Surge Of Treasury Issuance As 
Soon As The Debt Ceiling Is Lifted
News Link  •  Government Debt & Financing

06-27-2011  •  
One of the side effects of the US hitting its debt ceiling in mid-May is that while the components of its total debt have been shifting, with total marketable debt slowly grinding higher, while intragovernmental holdings (i.e., government retirement pension accruals) declining, the total thing has been flat as a pancake at just $25 million below the mandated ceiling. Since May 16 (or 57 working days now), total US debt has been $14.345 billion and not a penny more. Yet the issue is that with the US expected to have a roughly $1.5 trillion budget deficit in the calendar 2011 year, the ongoing contraction in debt issuance is only temporary. Basically when and if the debt ceiling is lifted, the Treasury will not only have to issue as much debt as before, but it will have to issue massively more in the short term to catch up to the ongoing run rate, and also in order to prefund the same retirement accounts it has been plundering for the past 6 months. So here's the math. As the chart below shows, since May 16, the cumulative divergence between where total debt is and where it should be is now a whopping $265 billion. That's right: when the debt ceiling cap is finally lifted, and it will be lifted, with republicans "kicking and screaming", Geithner will suddenly find himself needing to plug a gap of over 2 months worth of accrued treasury issuance. Mathematically, this means the Treasury will have to sell not the $100 billion or so in net debt but well over double that in August and September. And this will happen at a time when there is no QE2 to soak up the excess slack. 
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