Monday, June 13, 2011

Total lunar eclipse to take place on June 15

by Sumit Yayavar on Sun
Total lunar eclipse to take place on June 15The Earth will pass through the path of the Sun and the Moon on June 15 to cause a total lunar eclipse.

A lunar eclipse takes place when the three celestial bodies get aligned and sunlight is blocked by the Earth and its shadow falls on the moon. This is going to happen sometime between Tuesday midnight and the wee hours of Wednesday.

But, areas at west of the International Date Line will see the upcoming lunar eclipse during the morning early hours of Thursday, June 16.

As the moon will cross the path through the central part of the earth’s shadow, it will appear darker what it usually appear during other eclipses.

As the moon will climb higher in the sky, watchers will be able to witness it slowly getting free from the Earth's shadow beginning at 2102 GMT.

Speaking about the upcoming lunar eclipse, MP Birla Planetarium director Debiprosad Duari said, "The duration of the eclipse, the time when the Moon passes through the Earth's umbral shadow will last for about 100 minutes, is a pretty long interval given lunar eclipses in general.”

The next total lunar eclipse of exceptional length of 106 minutes will take place on July 27, 2018.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I'm a sky watcher so I'm very excited about the eclipse!!!