The first presidential press conference in three months brought the real Barack Obama clearly into focus and what America, and even the liberal press corps witnessed was not pretty.
Rather than the uniter, visionary leader who they manufactured and sold to the American public, one MSNBC analyst used an off-color pejorative that is a synonym for jerk to describe Obama. Of course, after receiving complaints from the White House, that analyst has been suspended indefinitely. Somehow I don’t remember swift suspensions following various attacks that were far cruder against Sarah Palin, but that is another story.
Even more important than the revelation that the anointed one is actually a jerk who talks down to anyone who doesn’t bow to his commands, was the incredible site of a president who is renowned for playing basketball and golf demanding that Congress “get to work.”
This is audacious even for someone who “wrote” two autobiographies before he had ever done anything.
The “get to work” order comes from a man who submitted a budget to Congress this year that garnered zero votes in the Senate. Not one member of the U.S. Senate was willing to vote for Obama’s vision for America. Harry Reid voted no. Barbara Boxer voted no. Even socialist/independent Bernie Sanders voted no. Obama could not lead anyone to vote for his vision.
The “get to work” order comes from a man who has studiously attempted to avoid involvement in the day to day negotiations over the fiscal future of the nation.
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