Thursday, March 15, 2012

Woman Wore FBI Wire to Help Bring Down Ex-Ill. Gov Blago

Blagojevich/file photo
By Craig Wall
FOX Chicago News
CHICAGO — Pam Davis said convicted former governor Rod Blagojevich has lost his sense of reality.
“I feel a sense of vindication that justice has finally been served,” Davis said. “It’s taken more than eight years, but I do think truth prevailed.”

It has been a long journey for Davis, who has been waiting for this day, waiting for the end of what has been along road for her. She provided the evidence that lead to the FBI’s investigation of Blagojevich.

“The first couple of months I did not have suspicions that it went all the way up to the governor,” Davis said. “But shortly after the second month of working with the FBI, I began to get a sense that this was much more complex and that they tentacles from these individual that were scheming to make money off good works probably did go up to the governor.”
To read the full story click here.

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