Sunday, February 14, 2010

Tiger Woods Buys Wife Elin $2 Million Luxury Boat

When you've cheated on your wife numerous times, got caught text messaging one of your mistresses, and have been humiliated in front of the entire world as your wife took a golf club to your head, what do you do?

Simply buy her a $2 million sailboat as a peace offering, that's what.

Once a role model to millions of golf fans around the world, Tiger Woods, who has been in hiding since the news broke out of his numerous infidelities, is trying to make things work again with his estranged wife, former Swedish model Elin Nordegren.

Reports indicate Tiger has shelled out a pretty sum for a sailboat named Solitude as part of his "I'm so sorry" campaign to his wife.

According to gossip blogger Perez Hilton, when times were good, the couple used to dive together "when they were out for relaxation," so buying Elin a boat "could represent a new beginning for Tiger and Elin."

A source close to the couple added, "Romantic sea air can do wonders for a troubled marriage."

Although the boat's builder is keeping mum as to who Solitude belongs to, it is currently docked at the Pirate's Cove Resort & Marina less than 10 minutes from Tiger's Jupiter Island estate in Florida.

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