Sunday, March 21, 2010

House Passes Historic Health-Care Bill For Obama's Signature

-- House Democrats have defeated a Republican motion that would have essentially delayed or killed the health-care overhaul legislation.

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By a historic 219 to 212 vote, the House passed the Senate health-care overhaul legislation, clearing the way for the bill to sent to President Barack Obama for his signature.

The passage of the bill, which promises the largest remaking of the nation's health-care system in 35 years since the passage of Medicare, was greeted by loud cheers by House Democrats. Thirty four Democrats voted against the legislation. No Republicans voted for it.

NPR's Andrea Seabrook reported that the House chamber was packed, looking as full as it would on a state-of-the-union night.

The president is expected to make a statement within minutes of the House's final vote on this evening's series of votes .

The House is now considering a Republican motion to recommit the legislation to committee which is a parliamentary way of delaying or killing legislation. The motion is expected to fail.

After that, the House is scheduled to take up a reconciliation bill which fixes the Senate bill with language Democratic leaders in both houses have agreed to in order to get the votes needed for passage of the bill.

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