Saturday, March 20, 2010

New Jersey Teenager Arrested After Racially Charged Walmart Intercom Statement

After making a racially offensive comment on a Wal-Mart intercom in Turnersville, N.J., last week a 16-year old boy was arrested and later released to his parents where he will remain until his first court appearance.

The Associated Press has confirmed that authorities took a young boy into custody after he allegedly spoke on the Wal-Mart intercom and made an inappropriate remark toward black customers in the store.

Police are still investigating to see whether the boy had an accomplice.

"Attention, Walmart customers: All black people, leave the store now," stated the boy over the intercom last week.

The name of the child in question has been unreleased due to his age. There is no word on what the sentence will be for the troubled teen but he was charged with biased intimidation and harassment.

"This was an extremely disturbing event on many levels. Any statements like these that can cause harm or grave concern must be addressed as quickly as we can," stated Prosecutor Sean Dalton to New York Daily News.

Walmart said they are working toward reducing public access to intercoms in stores.

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