Friday, February 18, 2011


Deluded Black Women Think A White Hero Will Save Them!

It’s all over the place wherever you look – interracial marriage this, interracial dating that – dating websites springing up galore. For the last 3 decades it has been predominantly Black men who have dated out of the race (usually dating White women) but now Black women are saying ”Why not us too?”, to which I say: “Fat Chance”

And “fat” is a very accurate word to use, seeing as it correctly describes a significant proportion of the Black female population in the UK, USA and many other western countries. The White man will not be hurrying by anytime soon to pick up what the Black man didn’t want. No man wants another race’s leftovers. It all boils down to what I said in my previous article (for which I got so much abuse – but I will not be silenced!) entitled “Forget It Black Women You’ll Never Get Married.” CLICK HERE FOR LINK.

My advice to Black women is this: if you can find a White man dumb enough, er, willing to pair up with you then go for it – but remember: for a White man to cross over and date a Black woman she must really have A WHOLE LOT GOING ON FOR HER in terms of beauty, career and achievements a la Halle Berry, Iman etc. So don’t be expecting a White man to be showing any interest in you if you are a ghetto-dwelling, Monique-sized, single mother of 3 answering to the name of Shaniqua Jackson.

Understand this Black women – in order to get an average-looking, average-achieving White guy, YOU HAVE TO LOOK AND BE EXCEPTIONAL – A HIGH ACHIEVER! And that’s just to get an average White guy! If you are large, overweight, unattractive and carrying a brood (kids), the only kind of White man you will attract is:
a) The junkie-type that thinks you can surely get him a good supply because you’re Black.
b) The kind of White guy with so many issues that no one in the White community wants him. Either he is pig ugly with very bad teeth or mentally unbalanced – and the men in white coats could appear at anytime to return him to the institution from which he escaped.

I hate to break it to you so harshly, Sistas, but the truth is:

The very things about you that keep Black men away will more than likely also repel White men, Asian men, Chinese men and Martian men.

If it makes you feel happy to believe that dating out of the race is the answer – then go for it, but only a few of you will succeed because most of you are “not up to requirements.”
You know what I mean, we’ve talked about this before – obesity, horrible hair-weaves, loud mouth and bad attitude, less than dainty features (not your fault but still a fact) etc.

So Black Ladies, why don’t you grab the bull by the horns – instead of looking for a hero/saviour outside the race, why don’t you deal, once and for all, with the real problem here: You!

Once you have sorted you out, men from far and wide will be coming for your hand – so much so that Black men might even start to feel threatened by all these White and non Black men that are stealing their Black women.

But right now, Black men don’t feel threatened at all – not in the slightest.

Astute Male Observer
(Helping Black Women Improve Themselves)


Anonymous said...

First question, are you a Black man? If so, I feel very sorry for you. The ridiculous claims made in this piece of writing are insulting, rude, and just plain racist. How someone ever allowed someone like you to post this is beyond me.

Olutosin A. said...

its crazy how racist and stupid you sound...first of all its not only black girls that are fat and you can tell this prick tried and failed to get a black the way there are other races a white man cant get...brown, asain etc, you dont see alot of that combo get the ignorant stick out of ur ass and stop insulting people

Anonymous said...

Actually it's not that fat of a chance, because it also depends on the white man. Some white men don't mind the woman having extra weight. It depends also on where they go to meet men. Personally, I've seen quite a few attractive black females.

Tips for Fat Men said...

I am really impressed with the content of your blog. It is easy to see that you are passionate about your writing. If I had your writing ability, I know I would be successful. I have bookmarked your site and look forward to more updates.

Anonymous said...

I do not agree with some of these comments. I am a very successful white male business executive. I am athletic, in shape and told I am very good looking. I could have the skinny white prom queen any day. However, I would prefer the XL, abundantly curved, extremely sexy, dark skinned black woman any day. If I am in the minority, so be it! I know what sexy is. Girls...feel free to contact me. marty_6 at hot mail

Anonymous said...

You are an ENORMOUS LOSER! What a waste of air!

Anonymous said...

I think somehow you are right. This is reality. Black women are know for their bad attitude. They are physically attractive but they should have a soft female mindset to be considered as partner.

Anonymous said...

This article is true.
Just because "In my opinion some black women are attractive" and "I've seen black women with White men", doesn't mean that it happens regularly, it's an isolated case.
It's not racist to tell the truth.

Versachai said...

This is the most ridiculous piece of nonsense I have ever come across. You need Jesus bro, you seriously need Jesus. Black women, if you're reading this...immediately exit from this page and pay this ignoramus no mind! You're beautiful in all your shapes and sizes, your flaws and failings but at the end of the day LOVE is what matters, NOT the colour or size of your skin! People are straight stupid sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I'm white, I have a black girlfriend. I don't really care what your thoughts are. But if you think that you are right, in your tiny mind, that what you have written is true, then go and take your head out of your arse.
You are vile. What is your problem with mixed couples? Or are you some sad freak that tried it on with a black girl and she tuned you in because you are a a tool?
People like you should be donated to medical science.

Anonymous said...

wow - my opinion: dumb article.

online dating profile picture said...

Its not unusual anyway!

Golden hands said...

I'm a good-looking and great shape WHITE guy. My girlfriend is BLACK. I love her to Death. We are so in love to the point where we already began looking at rings. It's not that I went out and said, "ummmm huh, I'm gonna get me a black girlfriend..." It just happen, we met and fell in love. Who would ever think... I love my Rock and Metal and I have long hair. My girlfriend is my life. We have the most amazing sex. In public, many freeks may stare at us but we ignore it and in-fact, never talk about it. We react naturally by kissing. There is no such thing of a woman of some race must meet some standard or whatever...You fall in love and that's all it takes. By the way, my woman is thick with a BIG BUTT! She is so so clean! She does not have kids. She truly is the most beautiful woman inside and OUT! It's not about color, it's simply LOVE! I would give my woman my arm if I had to. How could you possibly make such crazy and sick false comments that make no sense at all? It's so insulting. Shame on you!

Rochester, NY

Nikita said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nikita said...

This is by far one of the stupidest, most racist, sexist pieces of shit I've come across on the internet in a long time.

bringtheruckuss said...

Jesus fucking christ, you are one racist little bitch. Sounds like some black chick dumped you for a white guy and now you're just pissed off and trying to make it some racial/sexist issue. Do the world a favor and rip out yout fat whore mother's uterus so she can't have give birth to anymore dickbags like you and then kill yourself.

Anonymous said...

I think you're basing your facts on SOME African American women.. I'm a black woman from the Caribbean and I'm pursued by white men constantly, and I'm talking high profile business owners, some of who are married to white skinny women... A black woman probably did something to u, for you to say such hurtful insensitive things.. your ignorance astounded me.. and there are a lot of fat white broads out there, so leave us alone..

Anonymous said...

Wow, are you really a white women posing as a man? because this article sounds like jealous insecure boloney. You must be kidding. I get perused by good looking white guys all the time and I am a dark skinned Black women. I've dated several white guys and they were wonderful. I'm not sure what planet you live on. Beauty comes in all colors. Thank goodness there are a lot of white women that are secure with themselves and don't have to write garbage like this. You need to get over what ever happened to you.

The Black Glen Beck said...

I almost was kicked out of the library for laughing so hard!

Let me start by saying that many things mentioned in this article is beyond being true.

I still dont think that Black men should say things that would suggest that white men are too good for Black women because in todays economy...white dudes arent being so picky, as they cant.

One mans trash is another mans treasure. If Black women, be they; fat, loud, obese, petite, pretty, ugly, tall, short..whomever wanna get their swirl on I say go for it because I'll be damned if I go anywhere near these psychopaths!

Joe Clyde said...

I'm a Black Man and I found this article ridiculous.

I have no desire to scare women into being with me. If a woman wants to date out. That is her right. I feel the same thing for men.

Nothing is worst than being in a relationship with a person. That you truly don't want to be with. It's taxing mentality, physically, and financially.

Black women are beautiful. Any man would love to be with one. I'm with a Black woman. If another race of man is checking out a Black woman. I can't hate on him.

Not all IR relationships means that the black person hates his or her own race. Life is short. If your situation is tight. You shouldn't have to worry about what other people are doing.

Anonymous said...

This is crazy that we still live in a age of hate.I am a white man. I love and all women black, white or whatever . Regraudless of race or being fat as you put it.

Anonymous said...

I have never looked for any man of any race to save me. I work hard and take care of my two beautiful children alone. You talk about a white man as if they are above us in status? And that we are at the bottom of the barrel? Does that remain true for black men who dates white women only after the money & fame? You act as if we are the black man's leftovers? Don't flatter yourself! It's not like you guys are the creme d la creme? I could really get into the ALL the issues black men have, but there is not enough room on this blog post. A black woman is well within her right to date anyone she chooses...and we are deserving and befitting of the CEO to the average Joe.

I have been approached by all types of white men, and if I choose to date one I will...but in the meantime you should really go see a therapist about why you hate black women so much and remember your mother is also a black woman...

Comment from a beautiful & loving black woman.
~ Antoinette

Anonymous said...

wow, black women can't get married because we're undesirable? wow...i'll have you know i'm a beautiful young black woman (not "fat") and dating an attractive white man. you sound like a real hater that no woman will ever love or find attractive. I encourage black women to date outside their race and open up! you wont be sorry. its b/c of that mindset that i chose to reject black men for other races. instead of judging and condemning black women take a look at yourself

Anonymous said...

oh so the black women who dumped you was named "Shaniqua Jackson" and had 3 kids. Maybe you couldn't be a good father figure for her kids.Yes you really need Jesus to restore you.

Lisa311 said...

???? Why so demeaning, Mr. TNJ? Though your rant was simply print in 'black and white', I could feel the angry vibes coming off the screen. My mother-in-law is a social worker/counselor and I showed her this blog. In her professional opinion, your perceptions are indicative of a person whose anger stems from an immense amount of rejection and someone whom lives a fear-based life due to that anger. The extreme arrogance in your post masks an issue with inferiority but instead of looking inward and coming to terms with your own short-comings, you have chosen to lash out against the very thing that has hurt and rejected you: black women. She strongly suggest some immediate, long-term counseling. Now, 'her' suggestions are born of sincerity and concern. My motives, however, are vindictive in nature.
Good luck, asshole.

Signed, Grown-Ass Black Woman Too Smart For Her Own Good.

Anonymous said...

Dude, go fuck yourself. Its obvious that you're butthurt over a black woman dumping your sorry ass for a fine white man. You're the typical nigger that thinks that it's okay for a BM to date/ marry IR, but a black woman can't. And you hide your inferiority behind your education and an a suit. This is excatly why I'm happy that I choose to not date BM. Thanks for confirming my choice! :D

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth:

I'm a white guy, not pig ugly, doesn't do drugs and is not a mental case. I have a good job.

I like black women, and I especially love their thick builds.

I have went out with a 2 black women. I wouldn't say I'd be into any women with a "brood" of kids , no matter the race.

Black women, you are beautiful, and a lot of "average" white guys like you just fine.

Ghia said...
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Ghia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ghia said...

This is just garbage. My family is living proof that your "theory" is just not true. I have been with the same guy for 8 years (yes he's white and I am black), We recently got married and have 2 beautiful kids. When we are out the majority of racism we experience is from black men. I believe its all chalked up to jealousy. I left my heart open to love not based on race, religion, or any other superficial requirements. I found my soulmate because I was willing to let him find me.. and Im the happiest woman I know. He loves every curve of my body and everything I consider a flaw is beautiful to him. Im far from fat but im not skinny either. Im secure enough in my own skin and know exactly where I came from and I dont care what anyone thinks of my relationship. Im married to a beautiful white man, he's an amazing father, he treats me like a princess, and he's hung like a porn star! So your theory is invalid. It happens all the time...

Anonymous said...

I strongly agree

Unknown said...

I see A LOT of racism here!

Anonymous said...

Even though this blog author comes off harshly in his commentary, his opinion is very true for the most part. The truth is that most black men sought out and dated Black women first. This is bull-crap about Black men worshiping White women as some kind of trophy. Decent Black men generally want quality attractive women as mates. If there wasn't such a majority of Black women who are overweight, multiple children with different men, abrasive demeanor and lacking in the art of femininity, topics like these would be non-existent. The blog author was basically illuminating the fact that most men of any culture, don't find these traits desirable when seeking a life mate. The author didn't say all and neither am I, buy sadly it seems like at least 75%. Just look at the way the main stream visual media displays Black women. Go to "YouTube", and type in "Black women fighting", you'll be inundated by a multitude of some of the most ugliest female exhibitions on the internet. That is just one of the sources displaying this atrocious behavior.

Anonymous said...

You its upsetting to read but at the same time so true im a black woman and i love white men but its because black me show lil if any interest in no i dont have kids no i dont have a getto name but im fat job doesn't pay good at all thought i found the love of my life until we come face to face after are first date all the 7mos of phone conversations went out the window he got drunk one night text me and said if i drop the weight someone might want me. So i think hes write if your not some skinny bitch with money no one wants you never mind you been a hard working woman who puts her man 1st who comes home after a 12 hour shit and still cook clean and all the things he. Man wants . This man was with a skinny girl that was with everyone but him unless he was giving her all his money but she was skinny so thats all it took. You shallow ass men can have your skinny bitches just stop crying to my fat ass about how shes fuckin useless in anyway other than hanging off your dam arms

Anonymous said...

Lol if black women are so bad why was we the slaver owners tru love lol them white women had to deal with there husband coming to bed with black on them sorry true

Sugar Daddy Dating said...

It doesn't mean that white men saves white men Usually people are attracting to to anti-racism
because of lot many reasons, some people were attracted by their culture,character,personality and more..Bonding between interracial marriages are also becoming stronger compared to self race cupids black women dating white men

Anonymous said...

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." Martin Luther King, Jr.
You say you are doing this blog to produce better media. This is low. You can write tactfully. (Black women, honey don't expect someone to love your flaws) Thankfullyyour, in 2016 hurtful comments towards black women no longer hurt us. We have improved. We date based on character now. We're smart. Men around the world are too. This article shows the reason black relationships struggle. Ego. You said in a different post black men don't like a public argument. So why are you publicly bashing women? Your blog isn't really then about uplifting your community from bad media. Try again friend. Love international black women irritated by the these kind of posts.