Thursday, April 7, 2011

Christie: Teachers Unions are Political Thugs

Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey didn't hold back when referring to teachers unions as "political thugs".  And, judging by what was witnessed in Wisconsin, he's right on the mark.  While making clear that he respected teachers and the job they do, he pointed out that the union leaders do not care about children, education, or the success of pupils, but merely about power.

"I believe the teachers in New Jersey in the main are wonderful public servants that care deeply. But their union, their union are a group of political thugs," Christie said.

Christie also criticized Obama for not leading during a time of economic difficulty.  Despite the massive deficit and skyrocketing debt, Democrats are refusing to cut any programs or spending.  You can be sure they'll blame any government shut down on the GOP despite that they refused to pass a budget last year which has resulted in the current fiscal crisis.


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