Thursday, March 4, 2010

I Thought Obama Was Against Nukes

Well, he is for us but he is happy for Iran to get them.

He is also not opposed to using the nuclear option. Word on the street is that today Obama will announce he has incorporated some Republican ideas (no serious tort reform) and that he now expects them to sign on or he will call for reconciliation (though he won’t use that word). Here is the compromise; Obama took 2700 pages of legislation and added about 30 pages of things Republicans like. So he wants them to vote for the 2700 pages they do not like in order to get 30 they will like.

That man boy is still smoking crack. He has to be. And that was the fastest six weeks in history (he did say they neded to get this done in the next six weeks).

No, Republicans will not sign on and Obama and the Democrats knew that. He held the summit to show Republicans as obstructionists and then they showed up and handed him his ass because they were prepared. America saw a party with ideas and a willingness to work together so long as they started from scratch.

Baby steps, Obama said, will not do it so it is his bill or nothing. This is beacue Obama and the Democrats need to pass something, anything, that is labeled health care before the next election. They do not want to be negotiating the bill through the next election because it will look like they failed.

If they had started last year with this summit instead of waiting until this year, there might not have been as many problems.

So now we are at the crossroads and Obama is expected to tell Republicans that they have his bill, vote on it or the Democrats will use reconciliation.

The president will call for an up or down vote on health care reform, as has happened in the past, and though he won’t use the word “reconciliation,” he’ll make it clear that if they’re not given an up or down vote, Democrats will use the reconciliation rules as Republicans have done in the past. ABC News

If this happens the Democrats will lose the House and the Senate in November. All the ACORN fraud in the world will not stop the tidal wave (but if you see ACORN fraud beat the hell out of the ACORN person doing it).

The American public does not want this bill and we are quite upset with these ninnies in DC telling us that they know what is best for us. We do not need you to spoon feed us (well, most liberals do) and we do not want you ramming this down our throats.

For a person who people claim is a smart politician Obama sure does not act like it. This guy is willing to lose control of the Congress to get this passed. He is not worried about himself because he is not up for 3 more years. But he will be a one term wonder because we will drive him out.

The provisions of this bill do not take place until after the 2012 elections. Obama will lose the majority and then he will lose the White House. Republicans will draft legislation to repeal all of this mess and if we have to, we can use reconciliation to do it. If any Democrat cries about that we can string him up for the hypocrisy.

And then the Democrat party will be irrelevant for many, many years to come.

Obama is destroying his party right along with this country.

Prepare patriots. We will need to disobey anything they legislate and we will need to exert our will on them (remember, they get their power from us).

The tree of liberty is getting thirsty.

Big Dog Salute to JPT for the picture.

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