There are a lot of fingers pointing at the Taliban for the fact that about 80 schoolgirls in Afghanistan suddenly had to be hospitalized with sickness after a strange odor was detected in their classrooms. From the report at Breitbart:
Dozens of Afghan schoolgirls have fallen ill in recent days after reporting a strange odor in their classrooms in northern Afghanistan, prompting an investigation into whether they were targeted by militants who oppose education for girls or victims of mass hysteria.
Either way, the reports from three schools within 2 miles (3 kilometers) of one another in Kunduz province have raised alarm in a city threatened by the Taliban and their militant allies.
The latest cases occurred Sunday, when 13 girls became sick, Kunduz provincial spokesman Mahbobullah Sayedi said. Another 47 complained of dizziness and nausea the day before, and 23 fell ill last Wednesday.
All complained of a strange smell in class before they fell ill.
I don't think there's any question that the Taliban are responsible for this cowardice. It has long been established that the Taliban in Afghanistan (and in Pakistan) will do anything to halt the education of Afghan girls - it's actually all Afghan children but they are especially adamant about the dumbing down of the young girls.
So with this attack on these schoolgirls, I throw it back in the face of all of those that want peace talks or capitulations or appeasement with these Taliban - these are the kinds of animals, barbarians that you would actually consider sitting down with and negotiating with?! I've said it here so many times my fingers are bloody from it, but there is no other option than to simply wipe the Taliban off the face of the earth - they must not be simply defeated, they need to be eradicated as if the most deadly disease on the planet.
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