Some of the thousands of Newark students protesting also went outside the headquarters of Newark Public Schools at 2 Cedar Street to voice their concerns. In protest of Governor Christie’s budget cuts thousands of high school students across the state are scheduled to walk-out of school tomorrow between 8am and 4pm.
Story here
Story here
I hate to sound callous, but seriously, students in Newark staging a walk-out because of budget cuts is like Michael Moore threatening to not finish his 4 year gym membership if they cut out the spinning classes. Moore wouldn’t last 4 years if they upgraded to the gold-plated treadmills. He doesn’t value exercise. It’s that simple.
Do you know what the drop-out rate is in Newark? If all 11,750 high school students showed up to protest, 5400 of those protesters will drop out before graduation day, and that has nothing to do with how much money you fling down that money pit. That drop-out rate is an embarrassment, and I blame progressives.
Teachers can’t be fired no matter how horrible or uncaring they are. Too much money is taken from students to pay for administration and make-work jobs to repay cronies and union members for delivering elections for liberals. It’s a cycle that would never end, until possibly now, with Governor Christie.
And what’s the liberal response? Get the students who, statistics say, have a good chance of not even being in the school when the budget goes up, to protest for more money, as if they really care.
This is preposterous. Money is not the answer, a cultural change is, one that values the power of education. That doesn’t exist in Newark, and more money is not going to change that.
by BigFurHat -
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