Monday, May 17, 2010

Managing American Decline?

By Bill Wilson

Speaking on CBS' 60 Minutes last week, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was asked if America was in decline, to which she replied, "No, we're not, but it's a question that has to be answered." Why?

Besides the U.S. being the world's greatest debtor, the reality Secretary Clinton is faced with abroad is not one of relative strength to previous administrations: "You've got countries who are explicitly saying to me in private, well, look, we always looked to you because you had this great economy, and now look. You're in the ditch and you drag other people into the ditch."

Clinton said that addressing the nation's debt is "one of the critical challenges before us. Our nation has to be strong fiscally at home in order for us to be strong abroad." So, how does the Obama Administration match up?

One can look at just the past few weeks and some overall Administration policies for a glimpse into whether Obama is attempting to bring America out of the ditch, or is just digging deeper:

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