Saturday, June 5, 2010

Rachel Corrie Illegally Boarded

The Rachel Corrie has now been illegally boarded by the Israeli military in international waters.

As usual the BBC's immediate reaction is simply to retail Israeli propaganda. The Rachel Corrie has been boarded "with the full compliance of the crew", BBC News tells us. That is almost certainly not true, unless you count without violent resistance as "full compliance".

If that were true, you might wonder why Israel had jammed - again contrary to maritime law - all the Rachel Corrie's communications with the outside world, and why they are still jammed. The BBC did not mention that.

The organisers have just posted this:

"For the second time in less then a week, Israeli naval commandos stormed an unarmed aid ship, brutally taking its passengers hostage and towing the ship toward Ashdod port in Southern Israel."

But the BBC is much more concerned to help ensure that the Israeli version has unquestioned domination of the initial news.

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