Drew Brees is named SI's Sports Man of the Year

This morning on the Today show, Drew Brees said; “It’s an unbelievable honor, for everything that it stands for, and it just makes me reflect back on the last five years in New Orleans, and the teams that I’ve had the opportunity to play for. And it’s just been a special, special journey.”
But Drew Brees isn’t just an excellent athlete; his foundation also has helped close to 50 schools and organizations in New Orleans to aid in the Hurricane Katrina recovery.
“The more that I’ve learned about the award and that it goes well beyond what you accomplish on the field, that it’s very much about what you do off the field as well, with community service and your family, makes the award even more special to me,”
“I needed New Orleans so badly back in 2006, just somebody to believe in me, somebody to care about me,” he said. “And that’s why myself and my wife Brittany, we just tried to throw ourselves into the community, to do our part.”
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